
Mom's Morning Routine: 4 Things to Do to Start Your Day Right

Moms - start your day off right with a simple morning routine. These tips will help you get organized, feel more in control, and ready to face the day!  #JimmyDeanDelights #ad

Mornings are a whole new adventure when you're a mom. Whether you have a baby and are in the bleary days where night & morning are a blur, toddlers who get you up at the crack of dawn, or school kids on a tight schedule (or a combination of all three) - mornings can get pretty crazy.

I'm not going to tell you that I have all the answers to creating peaceful, stress free mornings with kids. I don't have a magic trick that will make your mornings perfect. But I do have some great tips that will help you feel more in control, organized, and ready to start your day right.

4 Things to Do to Start Your Day Right

Get Up Before The Kids

I know, I know. This is so easy to say and sometimes impossible to do. I have twins, and they both wake up pretty early.  When I read about moms who wake up hours before their kids and manage to workout, shower, check email, and make breakfast before the kids are up I know I'd have to wake up at 3:00am to accomplish it all! But even with my early risers, I know that when I get just 10 minutes of time to myself before they get up that I am calmer, more patient, and more prepared for the day.

Do whatever you need to do to give yourself a few moments of peace before the morning chaos begins - try heading to bed earlier or, depending on your kids' ages, encourage them to stay in bed longer with an alarm or other visual cue. Give yourself a chance to take a few sips of coffee while it's still hot, do a 5 minute morning stretch, or whatever it takes to center yourself for the day ahead.

Start the Day Screen Free

Do you grab your phone and check email or Facebook before you've made your coffee? Or flip on the TV as soon as everyone is awake? While it is super tempting to jump right to those screens, giving yourself and the kids a break first thing in the morning will set you up for a better day.

If you're trying to stick to a schedule to get to school/work/daycare on time, those screens will inevitably throw you off and cause unnecessary distractions and delays. Take a few moments to connect instead and you'll find that the rest of the day often runs more smoothly.

Make a To Do List

I'm a planner by nature, and my day feels completely unsettled until I've sat down to make my daily to do list. I use the list that's included in my printable planner, and it helps me to prioritize and plan what we need to accomplish each day.

Start by writing down the top 3 things you need to do that day. More than 3 and you'll feel overwhelmed, so choose three things as the must dos and go from there. You can also write down any errands, appointments, or chores that you need to take care of (I've already helped you get started with my 5 things to do every day to keep your house clean).

Take a few minutes every morning to make your own to do list and you'll have a road map for your day that makes your feel more organized and in control.

Eat a Real Breakfast

Does this sound familiar? You're rushing around, trying to make sure everyone is dressed, fed, teeth brushed, and it's time to head out the door for the day and your tummy starts to rumble. You realize that in all the morning madness that you've neglected to have anything but a cup (or two) of coffee. You wouldn't send the kids out the door hungry, so why do it to yourself? 

Eating breakfast is the most important thing you can do to set the tone for your day. When you skip breakfast, you're more likely to be irritable and impatient, and you'll also probably end up eating a sugary snack that won't make things any better.

So what do you do when you only have a few minutes and you need a real breakfast? I'm a big fan of grabbing the new Jimmy Dean Delights Frittatas. Made with real ingredients like whole eggs, lean meat, and real vegetables, I can get a delicious breakfast from my microwave in just two minutes. It's an excellent source of protein to keep me feeling full, and I can eat it at home or on the go. I love it for a quick, easy great tasting breakfast choice any day of the week!

Want to see more on making a great morning from Jimmy Dean? Check out the adorable Jimmy Dean Delights Morning Swap video below!

Which Jimmy Dean Delights Frittatas variety would you like to try first? Check them all out here and leave a comment below to let me know!

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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