I'm looking at my calendar and I can't figure out how we got here so fast. It seems like just yesterday we were doing a countdown to Christmas and now summer break is here. Seriously, my boys only have 2 more weeks of school and then they are home until September. (Cue mild panic attack).
I'm looking forward to all our summer fun but I have to admit - this mama needs to get a plan in place to make sure that we do everything we want to do and to keep it all straight. Don't get me wrong - I'm not going to over schedule all the fun out of summer. In fact, my perfect summer is a nice mix between scheduled activities and good old fashioned lazy time (see how I create this balance here). But I do need a few tools to organize our plans so that we can enjoy a fun, stress free summer break. Fortunately these printables have everything I need!
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Start with the Summer at a Glance
The first thing you need to do to plan your summer break is grab this free printable summer at a glance from Cozi.
This is the perfect place to map out your major summer events on one, easy to read page. Block out things like your summer vacation dates, holidays, and camps, and have everything at a glance when you need it. This is where I plotted out which weeks I was enrolling the boys in camp, when we were visiting my mom, and of course, our beach vacation!
And the best part is that you can get this printable when you sign up for a free Cozi account by May 31. If you haven't used Cozi before, it is an awesome app that helps you organize your entire family life - from calendars to shopping lists, recipes, meal plans, and even to do lists. Even though I love my paper planner I still use Cozi to coordinate schedules with my husband and to keep quick notes when I'm on the go. And let's face it, in the summer, I'm all about carrying less and doing more, so I'm not bringing my big planner to the pool or the beach. With Cozi, I just need my phone and I have everything at my fingertips! Get a free account here (and grab your printable too!)
Next Plan Your Summer Activities
There are so many fun things we want to do in summer - pool days, backyard fun, and trips to the library for summer reading. I like to include my boys in our planning, whether it is deciding what they want to do each day or making their summer bucket list. So I rely on our Summer Activity Planner to have it all in one place. We first used this last year and it really helped to make our summer amazing!
Inside, you'll find a blank summer bucket list and summer reading list to help you plan your must do activities. (Need inspiration for that bucket list? Here are 50 summer fun ideas to get you started).
You'll also get monthly, weekly, and daily to do pages - plan your month at a glance, chores, fun and family time for each week, and each day's chores and activities. And you'll get 18 summer fun coupons to use as rewards or just for fun! Just click the Get It Now button below to grab yours.
Now Plan Your Summer Vacation
Summer isn't complete without a vacation. Whether it's a trip to the beach or to visit family, summer is the perfect time to travel. And I have the perfect printable planner for your vacation too!
If you're planning to travel this summer - whether on a road trip or flying across the ocean - you need to get all of your details organized in one place. This vacation planner is the ultimate tool for organizing your entire trip! With 15 total pages, it includes:
- Vacation Bucket List
- Budget
- Transportation Planner
- Accommodations Planner
- Activity Planner
- Daily Itinerary
- Packing Checklist
- Before We Leave Checklist
- House Sitter Information Sheet
- Dog Sitter Information Sheet
- Cat Sitter Information Sheet
Want more inspiration for getting organized? Let me help you organize your life so you can enjoy your family time. Click here for all my organizing & home printables, or here for printables for kids!