Upcycle cans into adorable Halloween containers perfect for organizing school supplies and more!
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One thing about homeschooling: we have so many school supplies everywhere. It's probably my fault, because I can not resist a new pack of freshly sharpened pencils or a set of gel pens. But seriously, we need as many organizing containers as we can get.
I was making my first batch of fall chili in the crockpot when I realized I had the perfect school supply organizers sitting right on the counter: aluminum cans. All it took was a good scrubbing, a little paint, and we had recycled Halloween containers that look adorable anywhere!
DIY Recycled Halloween Containers
These recycled organizing containers are so easy anyone can make them. It's a great art project for the kids too! Just make sure that your cans do not have any sharp edges on the top before starting.
Here's what you need to make your own recycled Halloween containers.

Empty aluminum cans (washed and with any sharp edges removed)
Paper plate
Paint 2-3 coats of orange paint on the cans, allowing the paint to dry in between sessions. For this project, it took about 3 coats of paint to fully cover the cans.
You can paint the inside of the cans if you like, but I found it wasn't necessary.

Once your cans are fully dry, you can add the jack o'lantern faces. This is the fun part!

Using the paint marker, draw a face on each can. Get creative! You can check out our Make a Jack O' Lantern printable for inspiration.

Allow the paint to dry completely. Then you can use your new containers to organize all your school and art supplies with the Halloween spirit!

Click here for more fun and easy Halloween crafts including painted Halloween rocks and a no-sew pumpkin stuffy!
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